Meet Baymaze

A New way to meet with local Experts before relocating or traveling to a new city

An App Designed To Help People
Thinking of Moving


Moving to another state or city can be in the top 5 of largest life changes. It involves countless hours researching online about the cities, neighborhoods, dating, ages, affordability, things to do, friendliness, easy to make friends, traffic, etc. However, with that also comes trusting the opinions of articles written by people who you don’t know. These people could be in a different stage of life and be totally opposite of you. You also have YouTube videos about the cities from biased individuals with intentions of making money.

An App Designed To Help People Thinking Of Moving


BayMaze will sync you with a local in the city based on the same demographics as you, so you can talk to someone in a similar stage of life and feel more comfortable about your big life decision.

An App Designed To Help People Thinking About Where To Vacation


Planning a vacation is a lot of work. It takes countless hours of research to find things to do in the cities of your interest. Sometimes the places that you see online aren’t all that exciting as the reviews said they were. Maybe there’s too many younger or older people. Maybe in your research you didn’t see the part about the best times of the day to go somewhere to avoid long waits and crowds. This is supposed to be your time to relax and not worry about these things.

An App Designed To Help People Thinking About Where To Vacation


BayMaze will sync you with a local in the city of interest based on someone in your shoes to share fun things to do that the internet doesn’t always show. Want to go to the part of the beach that isn't crowded, has parking, and is more relaxing? Locals know the inside scoop. They can tell you more about this crazy good restaurant you saw with good ratings on google. Maybe the 2 hour wait isn’t worth it? But the restaurant down the street with no wait is just as good and cheaper! Ensure your trip goes well by talking to someone that also has a family there.

Explore with confidence

Our method

filter to find someone just like you
Relationship status
Sexual Orientation